WHS Class of 1967 Message Board

This is the place for all WHS CLASS of 1967 ALUMNI to leave messages, share news, updates, etc. It is NOT for political posts or spam - there are plenty of places you can go to see that sort of thing! If you forgot how to post, send me an email (click the "CONTACT" button on our website) and I will let you know how to post (Its as easy as sending an email).

Saturday, September 04, 2004

You're our top hurler, Dave!

Have I missed something? The Reds have pitchers this year? Where is Brooks Lawrence when we really need him?
Another great idea, David--gives us yet another method to stay in contact. You continue to show us the way--Thanks for all your inspired work!
It was so great to see and talk to everyone at the reunion. It's truly magical to be in each other's lives once again!
Michael Blackman